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Collaborative Research: CEDAR--Short Wave Infrared Imaging of the Meinel 0-0 Auroral and the Metastable Helium 1083 nm Airglow Emissions for Auroral Physics and Aeronomy Studies
Gerrard, A. (CoPI), Cooper, M. (CoPI) & Meriwether, J. (PI)
10/15/24 → 9/30/27
Project: Research project
CAIG: AI-Driven Generation of Vector Magnetograms in the Chromosphere and Photosphere with Application to Explainable Solar Eruption Predictions
9/15/24 → 8/31/27
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: The Next Generation of U.S. Geospace Research Facilities at South Pole, McMurdo, and Palmer Stations in Antarctica
Kim, H. (PI) & Gerrard, A. (CoPI)
9/1/24 → 8/31/29
Project: Research project
Unveiling Dynamics of Coronal Magnetic Field and Nonthermal Electrons in Solar Flares With Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy and 3D Modeling
Nita, G. (PI) & Fleishman, G. (CoPI)
8/15/24 → 7/31/27
Project: Research project
Study of Small-scale Ejections from the Photosphere to the Corona
Lee, J. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/26
Project: Research project
GEO OSE Track 1: SUNCAST: Software Unified Collaboration for Advancing Solar Tomography
Fleishman, G. (CoPI), Nita, G. (PI), Chen, B. (CoPI) & Yu, S. (CoPI)
9/15/23 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
MRI RI-Track 2: Development of the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA)-15--Major Upgrade of a Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Physics
Nita, G. (CoPI), Chen, B. (PI) & Gary, D. (CoPI)
9/1/23 → 8/31/26
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Pilot: Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning for Understanding and Forecasting Space Weather
Wang, J. (PI), Wang, H. (CoPI), Oria, V. (CoPI) & Koutis, I. (CoPI)
9/1/23 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
High Resolution Observations and Studies of Solar Eruptions Using the 1.6-meter Telescope in Big Bear
Wang, H. (CoPI), Cao, W. (CoPI), Yurchyshyn, V. (CoPI), Cao, W. (PI) & Inoue, S. (CoPI)
6/1/23 → 5/31/28
Project: Research project
Solar Flare Transport Processes Deduced from NASA Data and Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Gary, D. (PI)
10/17/22 → 10/16/25
Project: Research project
MRI: Acquisition of a state-of-the-art Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure upper atmosphere winds and temperatures for He, OH, and O nightglow and auroral emissions
Gerrard, A. (CoPI) & Meriwether, J. (PI)
10/15/22 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
SHINE: Exploring the Initiations of Solar Flares using Deep Learning Methods
Wang, J. (CoPI), Wang, H. (CoPI) & Xu, Y. (PI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: DKIST Critical Science: Study of Flare Producing Active Regions with Highest Resolution Observations and Data-based Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Modeling
Wang, H. (PI) & Inoue, S. (CoPI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: SHINE: Investigation of Mini-filament Eruptions and Their Relationship with Small Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in Solar Wind
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Using Scaling Laws to Constrain Magneto-Thermal Coupling in Active Regions of the Sun with Multi-wavelength Microwave Imaging
Gary, D. (CoPI), Fleishman, G. (PI), Nita, G. (CoPI) & Jing, J. (CoPI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: ANSWERS: Prediction of Geoeffective Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Indices, and Thermospheric Density Using Machine Learning Methods
Wang, J. (CoPI), Wang, H. (CoPI) & Jing, J. (PI)
5/1/22 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
The Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array as a Community Facility
Saint-hilaire, P. P. (CoPI), Chen, B. (CoPI), Gary, D. (PI) & Bastian, T. S. (CoPI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Small-scale Ejections in the Sun’s Photosphere through Chromosphere and Corona
Lee, J. (PI), Yurchyshyn, V. (CoPI), Wang, H. (CoPI), Neil, E. E. (CoI), Murphy, A. A. (CoI) & Gizelis, T.-I.T.-I. (CoI)
9/24/18 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project