Projects per year
- 300 - 350 out of 1,245 results
Search results
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Entrainment and Transport of Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) Eggs in the Swash Zone of Estuarine Beaches
Jackson, N. (PI) & Nordstrom, K. F. (CoPI)
3/1/07 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Equipment and Modules for a Capstone Course in Applied Mathematics
Kondic, L. (PI), Booty, M. (CoPI), Bukiet, B. (CoPI), Goldman, D. D. (CoPI) & Siegel, M. (CoPI)
9/1/05 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Simulation of Rare Events in Lightwave Systems
Moore, R. (PI) & McKinstrie, C. J. (CoPI)
4/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
SGER: Enabling Effective Access to Scientific Workflows
Chen, Y. (PI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: NeTS-ProWiN: CHARIoT: A Cooperative, Hybrid wireless ARchitecture for the next generation InterneT
Haimovich, A. (PI) & Bar-Ness, Y. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
CMG COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Systematic Approach to Large Amplitude Internal Wave Dynamics: An Integrated Mathematical, Observational, and Remote Sensing Model
Choi, W. (PI) & Young, Y.-N. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Establishing an I/UCRC Center for Multicore Productivity Research (CMPR)
Bader, D. (PI), Clark, N. N. (CoPI), Gavrilovska, A. A. (CoPI) & Vuduc, R. W. (CoPI)
8/15/08 → 10/31/09
Project: Research project
Planning Grant : Formation of a New MAST Center Site at New Jersey Institute of Technology
Sirkar, K. (PI)
11/15/08 → 10/31/09
Project: Research project
Workshop: Assessing the Broader Societal Impact of Funding Techno-Scientific Research
Holbrook, J. (PI) & Frodeman, R. (CoPI)
3/1/07 → 12/31/09
Project: Research project
NSF-REU Site: Engineered Nano-Composite Particulate Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Dave, R. (PI) & Narh, K. (CoPI)
1/15/06 → 12/31/09
Project: Research project
SGER: Flow-induced anisotropic thermal energy transport in elongational flows of polymer liquids
Venerus, D. (PI) & Schieber, J. D. (CoPI)
9/1/08 → 2/28/10
Project: Research project
Genomic Dissection of Circuit Dynamics
Moroz, L. L. (PI), Bucher, D. (CoPI) & Schulz, D. J. (CoPI)
National Center for Research Resources
3/20/09 → 2/28/10
Project: Research project
ATI: Adaptive Optics System for 1.6-m Solar Telescope in Big Bear
Wang, H. H. (PI), Goode, P. (CoPI), Ren, D. (CoPI) & Denker, C. (CoPI)
5/15/06 → 4/30/10
Project: Research project
Spatial Inference with Application to Astronomy
Loh, J. M. (PI)
7/1/05 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
Investigations of Solar Activity with Instruments of the Owens Valley Solar Array
Gary, D. (PI) & Lee, J. (CoPI)
7/1/06 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
Engineering Education through Degree-long Project Experience
Kim, J. (PI), Allemang, R. (CoPI), Rost, R. R. W. (CoPI) & Lim, T. (CoPI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Patterns, Stability, and Thermal Effects in Parametric Gain Devices
Moore, R. (PI)
7/15/05 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
III-CXT: Structure Comparison and Mining for RNA Genomics
Wang, J. (PI) & Bellofatto, V. (CoPI)
8/15/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
NSWP: Automated Monitoring and Forecasting of Space Weather using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Jing, J. J. (PI), Shih, F. (CoPI) & Wang, H. H. (CoPI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Analysis of spatiotemporal signal processing in developmental patterning
Muratov, C. (PI)
8/15/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Space Weather: Wavelet Based Regional Multi-Resolution Ionosphere Modeling: Investigating Structure of the Equatorial Anomaly
Shum, C. K. (PI), Potts, L. (CoPI) & Schmidt, M. M. (CoPI)
8/1/04 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
High Density Three-Dimensional Optical Data Storage: High Fidelity Two-Photon Polymeric Photochromic WORM
Belfield, K. (PI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
MRI: Development of a Silicon Detector for Synchrotron Based X-Ray Spectroscopy, X-Ray Holography and Materials Education
Tyson, T. T. A. (PI), Kao, C. C. (CoPI), Siddons, P. P. P. (CoPI), Bai, J. (CoPI) & De Geronimo, G. (CoPI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award: More Than The Sum Of Its Parts: Advancing Women at NJIT Through Collaborative Research Networks
Steffen-Fluhr, N. (PI), Nelson, P. (CoPI), Bagheri, S. (CoPI), Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (CoPI) & Axe, L. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
BBSI - BioMEMS Summer Institute at NJIT
Ivanov, D. (PI), Livingston, T. T. (CoPI), Mantilla, B. (CoPI) & Hunter, W. (CoPI)
9/15/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
The role of short-term synaptic plasticity in feedback neuronal networks
Bose, A. (PI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
International Research Experience for Students (IRES): U.S.-Sweden Work, Engineering and Design in Nanatechnology
Allen, D. D. (PI) & Chandra, N. (CoPI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
UBM: An Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics Training Program at NJIT
Bose, A. (PI), Golowasch, J. (CoPI) & Nadim, F. (CoPI)
9/15/04 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
MSPA-MCS: Data-Driven Parallelization of Time in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Srinivasan, A. (PI), Chandra, N. (CoPI) & Wang, Q. Q. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
Design and Development Plan for the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR)
Bastian, T. S. (PI), White, S. M. (CoPI), Gary, D. (CoPI), Zurbuchen, T. (CoPI) & Hurford, G. J. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 9/30/10
Project: Research project
Forward Fitting Methods for Radio Spectral Diagnostics of Solar Flares
Fleishman, G. (PI), Gary, D. (CoPI) & Nita, G. (CoPI)
6/1/07 → 11/30/10
Project: Research project
Using GeoTemporal Social Matching to Support Community
Jones, Q. (PI), Amento, B. (CoPI), Borcea, C. (CoPI), Hiltz, S. R. (CoPI) & Manikopoulos, C. (CoPI)
11/1/05 → 11/30/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) - Advancing the Vision for Global Studies
Weatherwax, A. T. (PI), Rosenberg, T. J. (CoPI), Lanzerotti, L. J. (CoPI) & Gerrard, A. (CoPI)
12/1/07 → 11/30/10
Project: Research project
Real-Time Digital Simulation of Renewable Powered Distribution Systems with Energy Storage
Taylor, J. J. (PI)
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
12/10/09 → 12/10/10
Project: Research project
CSUMS: Research and Education in Computational Mathematics for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences at NJIT
Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (PI), Siegel, M. (CoPI), Horntrop, D. (CoPI) & Goodman, R. (CoPI)
1/1/07 → 12/31/10
Project: Research project
Muratov, C. (PI)
1/1/10 → 12/31/10
Project: Research project
Medibotics: The Merging of Medicine, Robotics and IT
Rockland, R. (PI), Kimmel, H. (CoPI) & Carpinelli, J. (CoPI)
2/1/07 → 1/31/11
Project: Research project
Support Young Investigator Attendance at 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging in the Netherlands, April 14-17, 2010
Dhawan, A. (PI)
2/1/10 → 1/31/11
Project: Research project
CAREER: Mapping the Mind in Search of Oculomotor Learning Strategies
Alvarez, T. (PI)
3/1/05 → 2/28/11
Project: Research project
ULTRA-Ex: Understanding the Dynamic Connections Among Stewardship, Land Cover, and Ecosystem Services in New York City's Urban Forest
Fisher, D. D. R. (PI), Small, C. C. (CoPI) & Russell, G. (CoPI)
9/1/09 → 4/30/11
Project: Research project
Two-Photon Fluorescence Probe Development for in Vivo Spatial and Temporal Angiog
Belfield, K. (PI)
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
7/1/08 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Conferences on Frontiers of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2008-2010
Ahluwalia, D. D. S. (PI) & Siegel, M. (CoPI)
7/1/08 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
An Automated, Real-Time Identification and Monitoring Instrument for Reef Fish Communities
Russell, G. (PI), Boyle, P. P. (CoPI) & Wilder, J. (CoPI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Numerics and Analysis of Singularities for the Euler Equations
Siegel, M. (PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Conference: 2011 Environmental Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference, Valley Resort, NH, May 29 to June 3, 2011
Sadik, O. (PI) & Gray, N. N. R. (CoPI)
3/15/11 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Analysis and numerical computations of free boundaries in fluid dynamics: surfactant solubility and elastic fibers
Siegel, M. (PI), Booty, M. (CoPI) & Young, Y.-N. (CoPI)
7/15/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Tyson, T. T. A. (PI)
8/8/07 → 7/14/11
Project: Research project