Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 1,245 results
Search results
Imaging Microwave Spectroscopy of the Sun with the Owens Valley Solar Array
Gary, D. (PI)
11/15/93 → 1/31/97
Project: Research project
Droplet Welding, A New Technique for Welding Electrical and Electronic Contacts
Dreyzin, E. (PI)
1/15/94 → 12/31/94
Project: Research project
Operation of the Owens Valley Solar Array for Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Gary, D. (PI)
2/1/94 → 1/31/97
Project: Research project
U.S.-Polish Cooperative Research in Helio-Asteroseismology
Goode, P. (PI)
2/15/94 → 7/31/99
Project: Research project
Foveal Machine Vision for Mobile Robots Using Agent Based Gaze Control
Bandera, C. (PI)
4/1/94 → 3/31/95
Project: Research project
The 1994 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Kobe, Japan, July 11-13, 1994
Ji, Z. (PI) & Leu, M. C. (CoPI)
6/1/94 → 11/30/96
Project: Research project
Particulate Technology in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Pfeffer, R. (PI), Dave, R. (CoPI), Fischer, I. (CoPI) & Rosato, A. (CoPI)
7/1/94 → 6/30/97
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences: The Modulation of Flames of Various Types in a Premixed Reactive Atmosphere
Booty, M. (PI)
7/1/94 → 12/31/97
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences Computing Research Environments
Luke, J. (PI), Lacker, M. (CoPI), Booty, M. (CoPI), Nachbin, A. (CoPI) & Hile, C. C. (CoPI)
8/1/94 → 7/31/95
Project: Research project
Pressure Swing Membrane Absorption-Permeation Separation of VOCs From Nitrogen
Sirkar, K. (PI)
8/15/94 → 7/31/95
Project: Research project
Fabrication and Characterization of YBCO Thin Films for Photoinduced Superconductivity Studies
Federici, J. (PI)
9/1/94 → 6/30/97
Project: Research project
Acquisition of Instrumentation for the Research and Development of High-Performance Cementitious Composites
Ansari, F. F. (PI), Hsu, C.-T.C.-T. (CoPI), Liskowitz, J. W. (CoPI), Wecharatana, M. (CoPI) & Labib, M. M. E. (CoPI)
9/1/94 → 8/31/97
Project: Research project
Particulate Technology in Manufacturing Processes
Pfeffer, R. (PI), Rosato, A. (CoPI), Dave, R. (CoPI), Fischer, I. (CoPI) & Luke, J. (CoPI)
10/1/94 → 9/30/98
Project: Research project
Fortune, E. (PI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
3/1/95 → 2/29/96
Project: Research project
Research Equipment: Performance Analysis and Evaluation of the Combined Message Passing and Shared Memory Paradigm Using Turbonet
Manikopoulos, C. (PI), Palis, M. M. A. (CoPI) & Ziavras, S. (CoPI)
3/1/95 → 8/31/96
Project: Research project
Fundamental Studies and Chemical and Engineering Innovationsin Flocculative Water Cleaning
Magee, R. S. (PI) & Armenante, P. (CoPI)
7/1/95 → 12/31/02
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences: Mathematial Modeling and Dynamics of Premixed Flames as Hydrodynamic Discontinuities
Bechtold, J. (PI)
7/15/95 → 12/31/98
Project: Research project
Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity Studies in Deforming Fluidswith Microstructure
Venerus, D. (PI) & Schieber, J. D. (CoPI)
7/15/95 → 6/30/99
Project: Research project
Improvement of the Chemistry Curriculum and Undergraduate Research with GC/MS
Belfield, K. (PI) & Benvenuto, M. M. (CoPI)
8/1/95 → 7/31/97
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences Computing Research Environments
Reddien, G. G. (PI), Brattkus, K. K. (CoPI), Woodward, D. D. E. (CoPI), Morland, L. L. C. (CoPI) & Petropoulos, P. (CoPI)
8/1/95 → 7/31/97
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences Computing Research Environments
Luke, J. (PI), Rosar, M. M. (CoPI), Kriegsmann, G. A. (CoPI), Bukiet, B. (CoPI) & Bechtold, J. (CoPI)
8/1/95 → 7/31/98
Project: Research project
Signal Processing for Marine Mammal Localization and Deconvolution of Biological Acoustic Transients
Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (PI)
8/15/95 → 1/31/97
Project: Research project
Design, Placement, and Control of Platform Manipulators
Ji, Z. (PI)
9/1/95 → 8/31/99
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences: Applications of Sweep Differential Equations to Automated Manufacturing
Denis Blackmore, T. E. O. (PI) & Leu, M. C. (CoPI)
9/1/95 → 8/31/99
Project: Research project
Multidisciplinary Optical Science and Engineering CRCD Program at NJIT
Johnson, A. M. (PI), Grebel, H. (CoPI), Barat, R. (CoPI), Federici, J. (CoPI) & Chang, T. N. (CoPI)
9/15/95 → 8/31/99
Project: Research project
Development of an Industrial Control Research Facility Using Honeywell's TDC-3000 System
Kam, M. (PI), Petropulu, A. A. P. (CoPI), Nwankpa, C. C. (CoPI) & Eisenstein, B. B. A. (CoPI)
10/1/95 → 9/30/98
Project: Research project
MOTI: Methodology for Promoting the Design and Justification of Innovative Solutions to Flexible Manufacturing Problems in Traditional Factories
Abdel-Malek, L. (PI), Das, S. (CoPI), Wolf, C. (CoPI) & Cordero, R. R. (CoPI)
10/1/95 → 7/31/99
Project: Research project
The Great Hanshin (Kobe) Earthquake: Architecture and Urban Planning Lessons for the United States
Evans, D. (PI)
3/15/96 → 2/28/98
Project: Research project
GOALI: Nuclear Magnetic Imaging of Highly Energized Ganular Flows: Vibrating Beds
Rosato, A. (PI), Fukushima, E. (CoPI) & Caprihan, A. (CoPI)
6/1/96 → 5/31/97
Project: Research project
Capstone Courses and Projects in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Ahluwalia, D. D. S. (PI), Ray, B. (CoPI) & Bukiet, B. (CoPI)
7/1/96 → 6/30/99
Project: Research project
Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Instructional Laboratory Development
Bagheri, S. (PI) & Greenfield, J. J. (CoPI)
7/1/96 → 6/30/98
Project: Research project
Pattern Discovery in Combinatorial Databases: Algorithms, Applications, and Software for the Scientific Community
Wang, J. (PI)
8/1/96 → 1/31/00
Project: Research project
Improving the Undergraduate Analytical and Organic Chemistry Curricula by Incorporation of FTIR Spectroscopy
Buffin, B. B. (PI), Benvenuto, M. M. (CoPI) & Belfield, K. (CoPI)
8/1/96 → 7/31/98
Project: Research project
Adaptive Interference Cancellation & Signal Separation in Multi-User CDMA Communication System
Bar-Ness, Y. (PI) & Haimovich, A. (CoPI)
8/1/96 → 1/31/01
Project: Research project
CAREER: Comparing Alternative System Designs Using Simulation
Nakayama, M. (PI)
9/1/96 → 8/31/02
Project: Research project
PDS: A Scalable-Feasible Parallel Computer Implementing Electronic and Optical Interconnections for 156 TeraOPS Minimum Performance
Ziavras, S. (PI), Chronopoulos, A. (CoPI) & Grebel, H. (CoPI)
9/1/96 → 11/30/98
Project: Research project
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Research and Development of Bonded Ultra Thin Silicon Wafers
Farmer, K. R. (PI), Carr, W. N. (CoPI), Johnson, A. M. (CoPI), Marcus, R. B. (CoPI) & Levy, R. (CoPI)
9/15/96 → 2/28/98
Project: Research project
Federici, J. (PI), Grebel, H. (CoPI) & Farmer, K. R. (CoPI)
9/15/96 → 8/31/97
Project: Research project
Imaging Microwave Spectroscopy of the Sun with the Owens Valley Solar Array
Gary, D. (PI)
11/15/96 → 10/31/97
Project: Research project
U.S.-China Collaboration in Solar Physics Research
Wang, H. H. (PI) & Goode, P. (CoPI)
1/1/97 → 12/31/00
Project: Research project
Operation of the Owens Valley Solar Array for Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Gary, D. (PI)
4/15/97 → 3/31/98
Project: Research project
Ultrasound to Decontaminate Dredged Sediments
Meegoda, J. (PI)
5/15/97 → 4/30/00
Project: Research project
Structure of the Solar Atmosphere
Goode, P. (PI) & Zirin, H. (CoPI)
7/1/97 → 2/28/99
Project: Research project
Imaging Microwave Spectroscopy of the Sun with the Owens Valley Solar Array
Gary, D. (PI)
7/1/97 → 10/31/00
Project: Research project