Projects per year
- 100 - 150 out of 1,245 results
Search results
Mathematical Sciences: Surfactant Effects in Viscous Fingering
Siegel, M. (PI)
7/1/97 → 6/30/01
Project: Research project
Operation of the Owens Valley Solar Array for Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Gary, D. (PI)
7/1/97 → 3/31/98
Project: Research project
Operation of the Owens Valley Solar Array for Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Gary, D. (PI)
7/1/97 → 3/31/02
Project: Research project
NSF-CGP Fellowship: Performance Studies of the EM-X Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor
Sohn, A. (PI)
8/1/97 → 7/31/00
Project: Research project
Computer Graphics and Computation in the Undergraduate Organic and Molecular Modeling Courses
Gund, T. (PI)
8/1/97 → 8/31/01
Project: Research project
Laboratory for Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication
Akansu, A. (PI), Haddad, R. A. (CoPI), Siveski, Z. (CoPI) & Yener, B. (CoPI)
8/15/97 → 7/31/99
Project: Research project
U.S.-Korea Cooperative Research: Modeling and Analyzing Communication Behavior of Parallel Programs on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors
Sohn, A. (PI)
8/15/97 → 7/31/00
Project: Research project
Introduction of Laser Photolysis - Transient Spectroscopy Experiments in a Physical Chemistry Lab
Krasnoperov, L. (PI)
9/1/97 → 8/31/99
Project: Research project
GOALI: Implantation of Large Molecular Ions Into Silicon
Sosnowski, M. (PI), Poate, J. M. (CoPI), Eaglesham, D. J. (CoPI), Jacobson, D. C. (CoPI) & Class, W. W. (CoPI)
9/15/97 → 12/31/01
Project: Research project
POWRE: Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Understand and Model Contaminant Distribution
Axe, L. (PI)
10/1/97 → 3/31/00
Project: Research project
SBIR PHASE II: Two Degree-of-Freedom Spherical Pointing Actuator
Kramer, C. A. (PI) & Bandera, C. (CoPI)
10/15/97 → 9/30/99
Project: Research project
Solar Activity and Atmosphere at Big Bear Solar Observatory
Goode, P. (PI)
1/1/98 → 12/31/00
Project: Research project
Intelligent Learning System: A Study Buddy
Bengu, G. (PI), Watts, D. J. (CoPI) & Kebbekus, B. (CoPI)
3/1/98 → 12/31/01
Project: Research project
Microparticle Photonics: Frequency Control and Linewidth Quenching of Semiconductor Lasers Using Optical Feedback from Spherical Micro-Cavities
Grebel, H. (PI) & Griffel, G. G. (CoPI)
3/15/98 → 2/28/01
Project: Research project
CAREER: Correlations Between Local Structure and Electron Transport in Transition-Metal Oxides
Tyson, T. T. A. (PI)
6/1/98 → 9/30/02
Project: Research project
An Interdisciplinary Virtual Laboratory for Engineering and Architecture
Jackson, B. B. (PI), Bales, E. E. (CoPI), Bengu, G. (CoPI) & Dauenheimer, E. E. (CoPI)
7/1/98 → 6/30/00
Project: Research project
International Experience and Students Exchange Program Between the United States and South Africa
Egbelu, P. (PI)
7/1/98 → 6/30/00
Project: Research project
Acquisition of Specialized Instrumentation for Research & Development of Materials, Devices, and Processes
Misra, D. D. (PI), Sohn, K. K. (CoPI), Poate, J. M. (CoPI), Sosnowski, M. (CoPI) & Ivanov, D. (CoPI)
7/15/98 → 12/31/00
Project: Research project
Remote Sensing of Nearshore Water Quality Using Bio-Optical Modeling and Retrieval Techniques
Bagheri, S. (PI)
8/1/98 → 7/31/02
Project: Research project
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Luke, J. (PI), Siegel, M. (CoPI), Papageorgiou, D. T. (CoPI), Lott, D. A. (CoPI) & Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (CoPI)
8/1/98 → 7/31/00
Project: Research project
Computational Electromagnetic Methods in Nonlinear Optics and Microwave Material Processing
Luke, J. (PI) & Hile, C. C. (CoPI)
8/1/98 → 7/31/03
Project: Research project
NSF I/UCRC for Hazardous and Toxic Substances: TIE Project Detection and Control of Micro-Biocontamination in Ultrapure Water Processes
Magee, R. S. (PI) & Sirkar, K. (CoPI)
8/15/98 → 7/31/01
Project: Research project
Applied Optics Laboratories in an Undergraduate Optical Sciences and Engineering Program
Johnson, A. M. (PI), Grebel, H. (CoPI), Barat, R. (CoPI), Federici, J. (CoPI) & Chang, T. N. (CoPI)
8/15/98 → 7/31/00
Project: Research project
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Deep Reactive Ion Etching of Ultra-Thin Bonded Wafers
Farmer, K. R. (PI), Misra, D. D. (CoPI), Mitra, S. (CoPI), Ji, Z. (CoPI) & Brown, R. A. (CoPI)
9/1/98 → 8/31/02
Project: Research project
Center for Digital Video & Media Research
Dhawan, A. (PI) & Akansu, A. (CoPI)
9/1/98 → 12/31/02
Project: Research project
PLANNING GRANT: Software Engineering Research Center in West Virginia
Mili, A. (PI)
9/1/98 → 8/31/99
Project: Research project
Studies of Distributed Multimedia Support for Group Collaboration via the Web
Hiltz, S. R. (PI), Fjermestad, J. (CoPI) & Turoff, M. (CoPI)
9/15/98 → 8/31/02
Project: Research project
NSF Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for FY 1998
Farinas, E. (PI)
1/1/99 → 12/31/01
Project: Research project
Electroporation-Aided Intracellular Bioproducts Release and Recovery
Luo, R. G. (PI) & Sirkar, K. (CoPI)
1/1/99 → 12/31/99
Project: Research project
Segregation in Granular Flows Symposium, June 5-10, 1998 in Cape May, NJ
Rosato, A. (PI) & Denis Blackmore, T. E. O. (CoPI)
1/15/99 → 12/31/99
Project: Research project
CISE Research Instrumentation: Collaborative Hypermedia
Bieber, M. (PI), Hiltz, S. R. (CoPI), Scherl, R. (CoPI), Kurfess, F. (CoPI) & Fjermestad, J. (CoPI)
2/15/99 → 1/31/03
Project: Research project
Nonlinear Spectroscopy (absorption, refraction and their relation) of Organic Materials
Van Stryland, E. W. (PI), Hagan, D. J. (CoPI) & Belfield, K. (CoPI)
5/1/99 → 4/30/03
Project: Research project
U.S.- Korea Cooperative Research in Solar Physics
Goode, P. (PI), Gary, D. (CoPI), Wang, H. H. (CoPI), Lee, J. (CoPI) & Chae, J. (CoPI)
6/1/99 → 5/31/03
Project: Research project
Artificial Dielectrics: Hybrid Structures for MID-IR Applications
Grebel, H. (PI) & Möller, K. D. (CoPI)
6/1/99 → 5/31/03
Project: Research project
Travel Support for the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Applications
Friedland, B. (PI)
6/15/99 → 11/30/99
Project: Research project
Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale Systems
Calvin, J. (PI) & Nakayama, M. (CoPI)
6/15/99 → 5/31/04
Project: Research project
Self-Reinforced Composites as Advanced Materials for the 21ST Century
Narh, K. (PI)
7/1/99 → 12/31/00
Project: Research project
GOALI: Fabrication and Electronic Properties of Nanocrystalline Silicon Superlattices
Tsybeskov, L. (PI), Fauchet, P. P. M. (CoPI) & White, B. (CoPI)
7/1/99 → 11/30/01
Project: Research project
Adaptation and Adoption of Novel Applications of Optical Science and Engineering
Federici, J. (PI), Elliot, N. (CoPI) & Barat, R. (CoPI)
8/1/99 → 8/31/01
Project: Research project
Neural Mechanisms for Generating Temporal Coding
Bose, A. (PI), Booth, V. (CoPI) & Recce, M. (CoPI)
8/15/99 → 7/31/03
Project: Research project
Acquisition of Tunable Femtosecond Near-IR Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy System for Nondestructive Materials Imaging & Three- Dimensional Microfabrication & Educ of St
Belfield, K. (PI) & Van Stryland, E. W. (CoPI)
8/15/99 → 7/31/01
Project: Research project
MRI: A PC-based Multithreading Environment for Solving Grand Computational Problems in Science and Engineering
Sohn, A. (PI), Mc Hugh, J. J. (CoPI), Karvelas, D. D. (CoPI), Paek, Y. Y. (CoPI) & Gerbessiotis, A. (CoPI)
9/1/99 → 8/31/03
Project: Research project
SGER: Development of Multi-Media Based Laboratory Modules in Particle Technology for the Undergraduate Core Laboratory Curriculum
Dave, R. (PI)
9/1/99 → 12/31/03
Project: Research project
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Right-angle Geared Rotor System
Lim, T. (PI)
9/15/99 → 8/31/03
Project: Research project
Organic Materials for Photonics: A Joint American-Mexican Investigation
Stegeman, G. I. (PI) & Belfield, K. (CoPI)
9/15/99 → 8/31/02
Project: Research project
Analytical-Experimental Approach to Verified Cohesive Zone Fracture Models in Engineering Applications
Saigal, S. (PI)
9/15/99 → 4/30/03
Project: Research project
Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Software Engineering
Trapp, G. G. E. (PI) & Mili, A. (CoPI)
9/15/99 → 8/31/04
Project: Research project
Integration of Environmental Chemistry and Good Laboratory Practices Into Undergraduate Curriculum
Sadik, O. (PI)
1/1/00 → 12/31/01
Project: Research project
Self-Organization of Semi-Arid Landscapes: Tests of Optimality Principles
Milne, B. B. T. (PI), Restrepo, C. C. (CoPI), Pockman, W. W. T. (CoPI) & Bader, D. (CoPI)
3/1/00 → 2/29/04
Project: Research project