Projects per year
- 550 - 600 out of 1,006 results
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Student Research and Educational Activities at ACM SIGMOD 2012
Candan, K. S. (PI) & Chen, Y. (CoPI)
8/1/11 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
CCSS: An Architecture for Joint Integration of Inter and Intrasession Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Multihop Networks
Khreishah, A. (PI) & Wu, J. (CoPI)
8/1/11 → 6/30/13
Project: Research project
Analysis of Survival Data using Copula Models
Wang, A. (PI)
7/15/11 → 3/31/14
Project: Research project
Career: Secure And Reliable Outsourced Storage Systems Using Remote Data Checking
Curtmola, R. (PI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/16
Project: Research project
Multi-faceted e-health interventions for primary health care
Curtmola, R. (PI) & Peiris, D. D. (PI)
7/1/11 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Intra-Thrombus Chemo-Transport and Local Stress Mechanics under Flow
Voronov, R. (PI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/13
Project: Research project
Workshop Proposal: Transformative Research: Social and Ethical Implications
Frodeman, R. (PI) & Holbrook, J. (CoPI)
6/1/11 → 5/31/13
Project: Research project
Conferences on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics: 2011-2013
Ahluwalia, D. D. S. (PI) & Siegel, M. (CoPI)
6/1/11 → 5/31/14
Project: Research project
2011 Environmental Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference
Sadik, O. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
5/1/11 → 4/30/12
Project: Research project
TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Program Analysis for Smartphone Application Security
Neamtiu, I. (PI)
4/15/11 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
When States Use Lethal Force Against their own Citizens: Changing Norms of Legitimate State Violence
Kälin, W. W. (PI), Mäder, U. U. (CoPI) & Champagne, P. A. (PI)
4/1/11 → 1/31/16
Project: Research project
Hydrogen-bond network in protein folding
Dias, C. (PI) & Miettinen, M. S. (CoPI)
3/24/11 → 3/23/14
Project: Research project
Hydrogen-bond network in protein folding
Miettinen, M. S. (CoPI) & Dias, C. (PI)
3/24/11 → 3/23/14
Project: Research project
Conference: 2011 Environmental Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference, Valley Resort, NH, May 29 to June 3, 2011
Sadik, O. (PI) & Gray, N. N. R. (CoPI)
3/15/11 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Managing Critical Source Areas For Enhancing Ecosystem Services In Agricultural Landscapes
Qiu, Z. (PI)
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
1/15/11 → 1/14/15
Project: Research project
Low-frequency noise study on junction geometry of magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) sensors for enhancing sensitivity
Pong, W. T. (PI), Dahlberg, E. D. E. D. (CoPI) & Shull, R. D. (CoPI)
1/1/11 → 4/11/14
Project: Research project
m-Health for Just-In-Time Occupational Safety Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1/1/11 → 8/31/12
Project: Research project
Gary, D. (PI)
10/28/10 → 10/27/13
Project: Research project
MRI: Acquisition of a MALDI TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometer
Talham, D. D. R. (PI), Reynolds, J. J. R. (CoPI), Wagener, K. K. B. (CoPI), Belfield, K. (CoPI) & Miller, S. S. A. (CoPI)
10/1/10 → 9/30/13
Project: Research project
How bacteria evolve and cause disease
Steffen-Fluhr, N. (PI), Wu, Y.-F.Y.-F. (CoPI), Friedman, R. S. (CoPI), Passerini, K. (CoPI) & Stinear, T. T. (PI)
10/1/10 → 12/31/15
Project: Research project
EAGER: Cavefishes of the Guangxi Karst Region in China
Soares, D. (PI)
10/1/10 → 9/30/13
Project: Research project
High-Power Laser Science Collaboratory
Paul, P. P. S. (PI), Chandra, N. (CoPI), Hay, B. B. (CoPI), Umstadter, D. D. (CoPI), Wedige, A. A. D. (CoPI), Johnson, R. R. C. (CoPI), Chandra, N. N. (CoPI) & Manderscheid, D. D. (CoPI)
9/15/10 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
CIF: Small: Collaborative Research: New Approaches to the Design of Joint Source-Channel Codes
Kliewer, J. (PI)
9/15/10 → 4/30/14
Project: Research project
Silicon-Germanium Nanopillar Heterojunctions for Novel Transferred Electron Devices
Tsybeskov, L. (PI)
9/15/10 → 8/31/15
Project: Research project
AF: Small: Algorithm Design Using Spectral Graph Theory
Miller, G. L. (PI), Koutis, I. (CoPI) & Tolliver, D. (CoPI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
SHF: Medium: Programmable Monitoring Framework for Multicore Systems
Gupta, R. (PI) & Neamtiu, I. (CoPI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
Workshop: Accelerators for Data Intensive Applications; A Workshop to Engage the Science and Engineering Community - Arlington, VA - Fall 2010
Prasanna, V. K. (PI) & Bader, D. (CoPI)
8/15/10 → 7/31/11
Project: Research project
Sustainable Sanitation for the Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti
Ojeda, C. C. (PI), Martins, D. D. (CoPI), Lee, E. E. (CoPI), Hsieh, H.-N. (CoPI), Jawidzik, J. (CoPI), Meegoda, J. (CoPI), Decker, J. J. (CoPI), Gayner, J. J. (CoPI), Boardman, K. K. (CoPI), Landrum, L. L. (CoPI), Biele, L. L. (CoPI), Rodriguez, P. (CoPI), Iacoviello, S. S. (CoPI) & Sanghani, S. S. (CoPI)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
8/15/10 → 8/14/11
Project: Research project
Ubiquitous Mobile Multimedia for Environmental Public Health Outreach and Social
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
8/13/10 → 3/31/12
Project: Research project
Elucidating the development of immune cells
Misra, D. (PI) & Russell, S. S. (PI)
7/15/10 → 12/31/14
Project: Research project
Materials World Network: Modulation of Electron Oscillation Characteristics of Nanostructured Conducting Polymer Films during Electrochemical Switching
Sadik, O. (PI)
7/15/10 → 5/31/14
Project: Research project
Functional Mri Of Aging: Biophysical Characterization
Biswal, B. (PI)
7/1/10 → 5/31/15
Project: Research project
Functional Mri Of Aging: Biophysical Characterization
Biswal, B. (PI)
7/1/10 → 5/31/17
Project: Research project
EAGER: Transforming Everyday Social Activity Coordination Through Mobile Outeraction-Support Systems
Jones, Q. (PI)
6/15/10 → 5/31/12
Project: Research project
Rational Design of Fluorinated Environments for Aerobic 'Green' Catalysis
Barat, R. (PI) & Gorun, S. S. M. (CoPI)
5/1/10 → 4/30/14
Project: Research project
Support Young Investigator Attendance at 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging in the Netherlands, April 14-17, 2010
Dhawan, A. (PI)
2/1/10 → 1/31/11
Project: Research project
A Novel, Composite Matrix for Bone Repair Applications
Arinzeh, T. (PI)
1/1/10 → 12/31/11
Project: Research project
Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Construction under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
Mountain, C. M. C. M. (PI), Kuhn, J. (CoPI), Rosner, R. (CoPI), Goode, P. (CoPI), Rimmele, T. R. (CoPI), Smith, W. W. S. (CoPI), Keil, S. L. (CoPI) & Knoelker, M. M. T. (CoPI)
1/1/10 → 9/30/15
Project: Research project
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology award
Sebastian, D. (PI)
1/1/10 → 6/5/16
Project: Research project
Muratov, C. (PI)
1/1/10 → 12/31/10
Project: Research project
Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Construction under the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) Account
Mountain, C. M. C. M. (PI), Kuhn, J. (CoPI), Rosner, R. (CoPI), Goode, P. (CoPI), Rimmele, T. R. (CoPI), Smith, W. W. S. (CoPI), Keil, S. L. (CoPI) & Knoelker, M. M. T. (CoPI)
1/1/10 → 6/30/22
Project: Research project
Real-Time Digital Simulation of Renewable Powered Distribution Systems with Energy Storage
Taylor, J. J. (PI)
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
12/10/09 → 12/10/10
Project: Research project
Commercializing of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology
Ierapetritou, M. M. (PI), Dave, R. (CoPI), Muzzio, F. F. J. (CoPI), Litster, J. J. (CoPI) & Erenrich, E. E. H. (CoPI)
12/1/09 → 11/30/13
Project: Research project
Aerosol Growth and Chemical Compositions from Heterogeneous Processing of Organic Compounds
Zhang, R. Y. (PI), Connell, B. T. (CoPI) & Khalizov, A. (CoPI)
11/15/09 → 10/31/13
Project: Research project
Characterization Methodologies &Proteomics to Assess Carbon Nanotube Exposure
Witzmann, F. A. (PI) & Mitra, S. (CoPI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
9/25/09 → 6/30/13
Project: Research project
NeTS: Small: Cognitive Antennas for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Dandekar, K. (PI), Kam, M. (CoPI) & De Oliveira, J. J. C. (CoPI)
9/1/09 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Understanding Whole-genome Evolution through Petascale Simulation
Bader, D. (PI)
9/1/09 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
GOALI: Fundamental Material and Processing Studies on Hot-Melt Extrusion-A Novel Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process
Xanthos, M. (PI), Gogos, C. (CoPI), Wang, P. P. (CoPI), Ku, S. S. (CoPI) & Dulin, W. W. (CoPI)
9/1/09 → 2/28/13
Project: Research project