Projects per year
- 650 - 700 out of 1,006 results
Search results
Taxonomies Supporting Orientation, Navigation and Auditing of Terminologies
Perl, Y. (PI)
U.S. National Library of Medicine
9/1/07 → 8/31/11
Project: Research project
SGER: Enabling Effective Access to Scientific Workflows
Chen, Y. (PI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Analysis of spatiotemporal signal processing in developmental patterning
Muratov, C. (PI)
8/15/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
III-CXT: Structure Comparison and Mining for RNA Genomics
Wang, J. (PI) & Bellofatto, V. (CoPI)
8/15/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
Silicon-germanium quantum well-quantum dot nanostructures for integrated light emitters
Tsybeskov, L. (PI)
8/15/07 → 1/31/13
Project: Research project
Interaction between flow and topography in interfecial electrohydrodynamics
Petropoulos, P. (PI) & Papageorgiou, D. T. (CoPI)
8/15/07 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
Tyson, T. T. A. (PI)
8/8/07 → 7/14/11
Project: Research project
NSWP: Automated Monitoring and Forecasting of Space Weather using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Jing, J. J. (PI), Shih, F. (CoPI) & Wang, H. H. (CoPI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: CRI: IAD: Development of a Research Infrastructure
Bader, D. (PI) & Vetter, J. J. S. (CoPI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
NSWP: Turbulence in the Solar Photosphere
Abramenko, V. (PI) & Yurchyshyn, V. (CoPI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/11
Project: Research project
Determining the Relation Between Molecular Structure and Macroscopic Heat Transport in Oriented and Stressed Polymers.
Schieber, J. D. (PI) & Venerus, D. (CoPI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
Fast and accurate numerical algorithms for boundary value problems of elliptic partial differential equations on open surfaces in three dimensions
Jiang, S. (PI)
7/15/07 → 6/30/09
Project: Research project
Analysis and numerical computations of free boundaries in fluid dynamics: surfactant solubility and elastic fibers
Siegel, M. (PI), Booty, M. (CoPI) & Young, Y.-N. (CoPI)
7/15/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Support for US Participation in Fluidization XII: New Horizons in Fluidization Engineering
Zhu, C. (PI) & Fan, L. S. (CoPI)
7/1/07 → 12/31/07
Project: Research project
Engineering Education through Degree-long Project Experience
Kim, J. (PI), Allemang, R. (CoPI), Rost, R. R. W. (CoPI) & Lim, T. (CoPI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
An Automated, Real-Time Identification and Monitoring Instrument for Reef Fish Communities
Russell, G. (PI), Boyle, P. P. (CoPI) & Wilder, J. (CoPI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Numerics and Analysis of Singularities for the Euler Equations
Siegel, M. (PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM): Spring 2007
Ahluwalia, D. D. S. (PI) & Petropoulos, P. (CoPI)
6/1/07 → 5/31/08
Project: Research project
Forward Fitting Methods for Radio Spectral Diagnostics of Solar Flares
Fleishman, G. (PI), Gary, D. (CoPI) & Nita, G. (CoPI)
6/1/07 → 11/30/10
Project: Research project
US-France Cooperative Research: Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Experimental and Computational Approaches
Chandra, N. (PI)
5/18/07 → 4/30/09
Project: Research project
Spinal Cord Computer Interface
Sahin, M. (PI)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
4/15/07 → 3/31/09
Project: Research project
Stability of motor output with variable network architectures
Bucher, D. (PI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
4/4/07 → 3/31/13
Project: Research project
RCN: TraitNet - Coordinating Trait-Based Ecological and Revolutionary Research
Naeem, S. (PI) & Bunker, D. (CoPI)
4/1/07 → 3/31/14
Project: Research project
Fostering Creativity in Ubiquitous Social Computing through Casual and Formal Interactions in Interdisciplinary Design Studios
Jabi, W. (PI), Churchill, E. F. (CoPI), Borcea, C. (CoPI), Jones, Q. (CoPI) & Passerini, K. (CoPI)
3/15/07 → 8/31/08
Project: Research project
Computation and Communication: Promoting Research Integration in Science and Mathematics (C2PRISM)
Bukiet, B. (PI), Deek, F. (CoPI), Friedman, R. S. (CoPI) & Lubliner, D. (CoPI)
3/1/07 → 2/28/13
Project: Research project
Development of Microscale Membrane Extraction for trace Monitoring of Pesticides and other Emerging Pollutants in Water
Mitra, S. (PI) & Hylton, K. (CoPI)
U.S. Department of the Interior
3/1/07 → 2/29/08
Project: Research project
Workshop: Assessing the Broader Societal Impact of Funding Techno-Scientific Research
Holbrook, J. (PI) & Frodeman, R. (CoPI)
3/1/07 → 12/31/09
Project: Research project
Phosphate and Thermal Stabilization of Dredged Sediments for Reuse as Construction Material
Axe, L. (PI) & Ndiba, P. (CoPI)
U.S. Department of the Interior
3/1/07 → 2/29/08
Project: Research project
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Entrainment and Transport of Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) Eggs in the Swash Zone of Estuarine Beaches
Jackson, N. (PI) & Nordstrom, K. F. (CoPI)
3/1/07 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Medibotics: The Merging of Medicine, Robotics and IT
Rockland, R. (PI), Kimmel, H. (CoPI) & Carpinelli, J. (CoPI)
2/1/07 → 1/31/11
Project: Research project
Multi-physics Plasma Dynamics with Macro-Micro Interlocked Simulations
Kusano, K. (PI), Kageyama, A. A. (CoPI), Miyoshi, T. (CoPI), Sato, T. T. (CoPI), Hirose, S. S. (CoPI), Sugiyama, T. T. (CoPI), Hasegawa, H. H. (CoPI), Shima, S. S. (CoPI), Kawano, A. A. (CoPI), Kishimoto, Y. Y. (CoPI), Yagi, M. M. (CoPI), Ishihara, O. O. (CoPI) & Inoue, S. (CoPI)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
1/1/07 → 1/1/09
Project: Research project
CSUMS: Research and Education in Computational Mathematics for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences at NJIT
Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (PI), Siegel, M. (CoPI), Horntrop, D. (CoPI) & Goodman, R. (CoPI)
1/1/07 → 12/31/10
Project: Research project
DHB: Decentralization and Local Public Goods: How Does Allocation of Decision-Making Authority Affect Provision?
Madajewicz, M. M. (PI), Pfaff, A. A. (CoPI), Loh, J. M. (CoPI) & Dolgoarshinnykh, R. R. G. (CoPI)
12/1/06 → 11/30/12
Project: Research project
Mid-Atlantic Workshop on Revitalizing Undergraduate Computing Education
Theodoratos, D. (PI) & Oria, V. (CoPI)
12/1/06 → 11/30/07
Project: Research project
BBSI - BioMEMS Summer Institute at NJIT
Ivanov, D. (PI), Livingston, T. T. (CoPI), Mantilla, B. (CoPI) & Hunter, W. (CoPI)
9/15/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
CMG COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Systematic Approach to Large Amplitude Internal Wave Dynamics: An Integrated Mathematical, Observational, and Remote Sensing Model
Choi, W. (PI) & Young, Y.-N. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
High Density Three-Dimensional Optical Data Storage: High Fidelity Two-Photon Polymeric Photochromic WORM
Belfield, K. (PI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
The role of short-term synaptic plasticity in feedback neuronal networks
Bose, A. (PI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (PASI): Interfacial Fluid Dynamics: From Mathematical Theory to Applications; Cordoba, Argentina; August 2007
Kondic, L. (PI) & Homsy, G. G. M. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/08
Project: Research project
ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award: More Than The Sum Of Its Parts: Advancing Women at NJIT Through Collaborative Research Networks
Steffen-Fluhr, N. (PI), Nelson, P. (CoPI), Bagheri, S. (CoPI), Michalopoulou, Z.-H. (CoPI) & Axe, L. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
Design and Development Plan for the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR)
Bastian, T. S. (PI), White, S. M. (CoPI), Gary, D. (CoPI), Zurbuchen, T. (CoPI) & Hurford, G. J. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 9/30/10
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: NeTS-ProWiN: CHARIoT: A Cooperative, Hybrid wireless ARchitecture for the next generation InterneT
Haimovich, A. (PI) & Bar-Ness, Y. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Efficient transport of bubbles and drops
Singh, P. (PI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/11
Project: Research project
MSPA-MCS: Data-Driven Parallelization of Time in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Srinivasan, A. (PI), Chandra, N. (CoPI) & Wang, Q. Q. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/10
Project: Research project
Bridging the Spatial and Temporal Scales in Dense Granular Systems Description of Dense Granular Shear Flows
Kondic, L. (PI)
8/15/06 → 7/31/09
Project: Research project
Workshop Proposal: The Petascale Computing and the Biosciences Workshop is Being Held on August 29-30, 2006 in Arlington, VA.
Snavely, A. A. (PI), Jacobs, G. G. A. (CoPI) & Bader, D. (CoPI)
8/15/06 → 7/31/07
Project: Research project
Teacher Education Collaboration for High-Need Schools - New Jersey (TECHS-NJ)
Bukiet, B. (PI), Calderon, I. I. (CoPI), Griffin, G. G. (CoPI) & Powell, A. A. B. (CoPI)
8/15/06 → 9/30/12
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: SEI+II ProtocolDB: Archiving and Querying Scientific Protocols, Data and Provenance
Lacroix, Z. (PI) & Chen, Y. (CoPI)
8/15/06 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project