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Team-Based Virtual Field Exercises for HAZMAT Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
7/1/23 → 6/30/24
Project: Research project
Sensor and Hazard Simulator for Large Scale Field Exercises (Phase II)
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
9/1/22 → 8/31/24
Project: Research project
Just-In-Time Essential Worker COVID-19 Mobile Awareness Campaign
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
5/1/18 → 4/30/21
Project: Research project
Novel Augmented Reality Training System for HAZOPS Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
m-Health for Just-In-Time Occupational Safety Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1/1/11 → 8/31/12
Project: Research project
Ubiquitous Mobile Multimedia for Environmental Public Health Outreach and Social
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
8/13/10 → 3/31/12
Project: Research project
Mobile Just-In-Time Training of Emergency Response Personnel - Phase II
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
8/12/08 → 8/31/11
Project: Research project
Mobile Training of Skilled Support Personnel
Bandera, C. (PI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
7/1/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
SBIR Phase II: Education on Demand for Technique Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
3/15/03 → 2/28/06
Project: Research project
SBIR Phase I: Education on Demand for Technique Training
Bandera, C. (PI)
1/1/02 → 6/30/02
Project: Research project
SBIR PHASE II: Two Degree-of-Freedom Spherical Pointing Actuator
Kramer, C. A. (PI) & Bandera, C. (CoPI)
10/15/97 → 9/30/99
Project: Research project
Foveal Machine Vision for Mobile Robots Using Agent Based Gaze Control
Bandera, C. (PI)
4/1/94 → 3/31/95
Project: Research project