Thomas G. Stanford
- University of South Carolina
- Univesity of South Carolina
- Purdue University
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- University of South Carolina
- Univesity of South Carolina
External person
Duane D. Dunlap
- Western Carolina University
- American Society for Engineering Education
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Kimmel School of Construction Management, Engineering and Technology
- ASEE-Graduate Studies Division
- ASEE-Graduate Studies Division
- Purdue University
- Department of Engineering Technology
- Graduate Studies Division
- College of Applied Sciences
- Graduate Studies Division
- Graduate Studies Division
- Engineering Technology
- Kimmel School
- College of Technology
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Donald A. Keating
- University of South Carolina
- Corporate Members Council
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Graduate Studies Division
- ASEE-Graduate Studies Division
- Purdue University
- ASEE-Graduate Studies Division
- National Collaborative Task Force
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- College Industry Partnership Division
- Graduate Studies Division
- Mechanical Engineering
- Graduate Studies Division
- University of South Carolina
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Albert L. McHenry
- Arizona State University
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Morgan State University
- Coll. of Technol. and Appl. Sciences
- Coll. of Technol. and Appl. Sciences
- College of Technology and Applied Sciences
- Department of Technology
- College of Technology and Annlied Sciences
- Dept. of Technol. and Appl. Sciences
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Dennis R. Depew
- Prudue University
- Purdue University
- School of Technology
- College of Technology
External person
Jay M. Snellenberger
- Rolls-Royce
- Corporate Members Council
- Rolls-Royce
- Corporate Members Councel
- ASEE-Corporate Members Council
- ASEE Corporate Members Council
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Employee Development
- College Industry Partnership Division
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Eugene Deloatch
- Morgan State University
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- School of Engineering
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Morgan State University
External person
Joseph P. Tidwell
- Boeing
- Arizona State University
- Partnarship Division
- Partnership Division
- ASEE Corporate Members Council
- Southwest Regional University
- ASEE-Corporate Members Council
- ASEE-College Industry Partnership Division
- Southwest Regional University Relations
- Joint Alliance of Companies Managing Education for Technology JACMET
- Society for Engineering Education
- American Society for Engineering Education
- College Industry
- College Industry
- Engineering and Technical Education
- College of Technology and Innovation
- College Industry Partnership
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
David H. Quick
- Rolls-Royce
- Rolls-Royce
- Rolls-Royce North American Technologies
- ASEE Corporate Members Council
- ASEE-Corporate Members Council
- Liberty Works (tm) Rolls-Royce North American Technologies
- Rolls-Royce North American Technologies
- R and D Customer Requirements
External person
H. J. Palmer
- Kate Gleason College of Engineering
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- California State Polytechnic University
External person
Gary Bertoline
- Purdue University
- Envision Center
- College of Technology
- Information Technology
- Department of Computer Graphics
- College of Technology
- Department of Computer Graphics
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of Visualization
External person
Ronald Bennett
- American Society for Engineering Education
- University of St. Thomas
- St. Thomas University
- University of St. Thomas
- St. Thomas University
- Grad. Eng. Technol. Mgmt. Programs
- St. Thomas University
- University of St. Thomas
- Graduate Studies Division
- School of Engineering
- Dept. of Eng. and Technol. Mgmt.
- Department of Engineering
- Dept. Undergrad. Eng. at St. Thomas
- Dept. of Eng. and Technol. Mgmt.
- University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
- School of Engineering
- Dept. of Eng. and Technol. Mgmt.
- Department of Engineering
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Mohamad Noori
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
- University of Arizona
- Graduate Studies Division
- North Carolina State University
- Hte College of Engineering
- College of Engineering
- College of Engineering
- California State Polytechnic University
- Hte College of Engineering
- College of Engineering
- California State Polytechnic University
- College of Engineering
- College of Engineering
- California State Polytechnic University
- College of Engineering
External person
Roger Olson
- Rolls-Royce
- Rolls-Royce
- American Society for Engineering Education
- ASEE-College Industry Partnership Division
- College Industry Partnership Division
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Michael J. Dyrenfurth
- Purdue University
- College of Technology
- School of Technology
- Department of Graduate Studies
External person
Samuel Truesdale
- Rolls-Royce
- Rolls-Royce
- ASEE-College Industry Partnership Division
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Employee Development
- College Industry Partnership Division
- Engineering Business Improvement Organization
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
A. J. Kakatsios
- AT&T
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
- Stevens Institute of Technology
External person
Mark Schuver
- Purdue University
- Master's Degree Program
- Rolls-Royce-Purdue Master's Degree Program
- College of Technology
External person
Peter Y. Lee
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
- College of Engineering
- College of Engineering
- California State Polytechnic University
- California Polytechnic State University
External person
Frederic L. Swern
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
- Stevens Institute of Technology
External person
Joseph Rencis
- University of Arkansas System
- ASEE-Mechanical Engineering Division
- ASME Mechanical Engineering Department
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- University of Arkansas
- University of Arkansas
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
External person
Ray E. Morrison
- Lockheed-Martin Company
- ASEE Corporate Members Council
- Lockheed Martin
- ASEE- Continuing Professional Development Division
- ASEE-Corporate
- Lockheed Martin Aero Technical Institute and Engineering Workforce Development
- Engineering Integration and Strategy
- Lockheed Martin Aero Technical Institute
External person
Kathleen Gonzalez Landis
- University of Arizona
- Partnership Division
- American Society for Engineering Education
- University of St. Thomas
- College Industry
- Continuing Professional Development Division
- College Industry Partnership Division
- University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
- American Society for Engineering Education
External person
Timothy Lindquist
- Arizona State University
- College of Technology and Innovation
- College of Science and Technology
External person
Mel I. Mendelson
- Loyola Marymount University
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Eng. and Prod. Mgmt. Grad. Program
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
External person
Edward Sullivan
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
- Graduate Programs and Research
- Department of Civil Engineering
- College of Engineering
- Graduate Programs and Research
- California State Polytechnic University
- California Polytechnic State University
- Department of Civil Engineering
- California State Polytechnic University
- College of Engineering
External person
Joe O'Brien
- Hewlett-Packard
- ASEE Corporate Members Council
- ASEE-Corporate Members Council
- University Relations Program
External person
Carla Purdy
- University of Cincinnati
- ASEE-Graduate Studies Division
- University of Cincinnati
External person
Mark Smith
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Product Development and Manufacturing Leadership Program
- Kate Gleason College of Engineering
External person
Kathleen Gonzalez-Landis
- Engineering Partnership-Arizona
- Engineering Partnership
- Master of Engineering Partnership
External person
Edmund Segner
- University of Alabama
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE
- National Collaborative from the Education Committee
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
External person
A. J. Kacachios
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering
- Stevens Institute of Technology
External person