Adaptation and Adoption of Novel Applications of Optical Science and Engineering

Project: Research project

Project Details


Optical Science and Engineering (OPSE) is recognized as an enabling technology: a technology with applications to many scientific disciplines and with the potential to contribute in significant ways to those disciplines. In this project, four of Texas A&M's bio-optics laboratory modules are adopted and adapted into NJIT's existing OPSE curriculum. Adaptation/ Implementation of these laboratory modules into various courses demonstrates the enabling capabilities of bio-optics. The four laboratory modules, which were developed by S. Rastegar and G. Cote (Biomedical Engineering) under their own CRCD program, are Simulated Laser surgery, Polarimetric Quantification of Chiral Substances, Measurement of Tissue Optical Properties, Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Physiological Fluorophores. These laboratory modules are adapted and implemented into the upper division undergraduate level (OPSE I and II, Physical Chemistry) and the lower division level courses (Modern Physics Laboratory and Freshman Engineering). In general, the challenge is to adapt and Implement these laboratory modules into a curriculum which is predominantly engineering and science oriented with very little presence in biological sciences. In particular, the Fluorescence Spectroscopy laboratory module is modified to simulate biological cellular transport without the use of live animals. The polarimetric laboratory module replaces an existing NJIT module on polarization rotation. In adapting this lab to NJIT, the students measure the degree of light rotation due to chiral substances such as D-Glucose. In adapting the Tissue Optical Properties laboratory to NJIT, the module is divided into two components: a simulated tissue samples component (absorbing dye and scattering spheres) which is adapted to freshman through junior level and a biological samples component (beef, liver, chicken breast) which is adapted to senior level courses.

Effective start/end date8/1/998/31/01


  • National Science Foundation: $100,000.00


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