Adapting and Implementing Studio-Based Learning for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering

  • Foulds, Richard (PI)
  • Livingston, Treena T. (CoPI)
  • Mantilla, Bruno (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Engineering - Other (59)

The project adapts and implements the studio-learning approach to undergraduate education that has been developed by the Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). NJIT understands that a research university must offer an undergraduate experience that incorporates active learning and promotes critical thinking among students. Studio courses integrate the traditional lecture/recitation/laboratory into studio sessions in which faculty serve as mentors for students engaged in scaffolded exercises. The RPI approach has been successfully adapted at other universities in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and introductory engineering. Evaluations have shown that studio learning increases student retention of the subject material, improves student and faculty satisfaction, builds scholarly communities among students, and engages them in active discovery. NJIT's piloting of two introductory courses in 2000-2001 demonstrated the potential of studio courses in biomedical engineering. This proposal is matched with funding from the Whitaker Foundation and from the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education. These funds enable NJIT to design and equip a studio classroom. Activities specific to this grant include the adaptation of RPI's studio method and the conversion of three introductory biomedical engineering courses to studio courses. The project also integrates technology into these studio courses. Project outcomes are going to be validated through external evaluation. A comprehensive dissemination program is being used to support faculty, student, and K-12 teacher development.

Effective start/end date3/15/022/28/05


  • National Science Foundation: $100,963.00


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