CISE Research Instrumentation

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award is for the purchase of 64 TMS320C40 chips in order to build an asynchronous six-dimensional hypercube- based system to serve as a high-speed low-cost simulator of large neural networks. The system will be used to investigate neural network architectures and learning laws in applications where a great number of interconnection weights is necessary. Such applications include computer network congestion management, flow control and adaptive routing, and pattern recognition. New Jersey Institute of Technology is proposing a high-speed, low-cost solution to the tasks of designing and evaluating neural network architectures and learning protocols. They will be building an asynchronous six-dimensional hypercube- based system that supports efficiently both local and global communications, has a modest number of high-power processors, but is of low overall system cost.//

Effective start/end date4/1/929/30/93


  • National Science Foundation: $37,367.00


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