Collaborative Research: CRI: IAD: Development of a Research Infrastructure

Project: Research project

Project Details



Proposal #: CNS 07-09140 07-08307 07-08820

PI(s): Brockman, Jay B. Bader, David A. Gao, Guang R.

Barabasi,Albert-Laszlo;Chawla,Nitesh;Kogge,PeterM. Vetter, Jeffrey S.

Institution: University of Notre Dame Georgia Institute Tech U.Delaware

Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602 Atlanta, GA 30332-0002 Newark, DE 19716-1551

Proposal #: CNS 07-09385 07-09111 07-09254

PI(s): Gilbert, John R. Upchurch, Edwin T. Yelick, Katherine A.

Wolski, Richard.

Institution: UC-Santa Barbara California Inst Tech UC-Berkeley

Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2050 Pasadena, CA 91125-0600 Berkeley, CA 94704-5940

Title: Colla Rsch:IAD:Dev Rsch Infr. for Multithreaded Computing Community Using Cray Eldorado Platform

Project Proposed:

This collaborative project, developing a shared infrastructure needed to broaden its impact for developing software to run on the next generation of computer hardware, brings a diverse group of researchers from six universities in a joint effort. The work responds to the trend towards multicore processors where developers envision placing tens to hundreds of cores on a single die, each running multiple threads (in contrast to the currently dominant message-passing architectures resulting from the advent of MPI and Linux clusters). Three objectives are proposed:

. Acquiring computer hardware as a shared community resource capable of efficiently running, in experimental and production modes, complex programs with thousands of threads in shared memory;

. Assembling software infrastructure for developing and measuring performance of programs running on the hardware; and

. Building stronger ties between the people themselves, creating ways for researchers at the partner institutions to collaborate and communicate their findings to the broader community.

The Cray XMT system, scheduled for delivery in 2007 serves as an ideal platform. The second bullet includes algorithms, data sets, libraries, languages, tools, and simulators to evaluate performance of program running on the hardware focusing on applications that benefit from large numbers of threats, massively data intensive, 'sparse-graph' problems that are difficult to parallelize using conventional message-passing on clusters. Each university contributes a piece to the infrastructure, using it for support of projects. Sandia National Laboratories has agreed to host the system and provide supplementary funding. Each university will use the Cray XMT system in courses.

Broader Impacts: The infrastructure measures performance providing a basis for the community to improve sharin, and build strong ties for collaboration and communication. Courses will be created and materials will be made available. Workshops for dissemination of the findings are also planned.

Effective start/end date8/1/077/31/12


  • National Science Foundation: $50,000.00


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