Conferences on Frontiers of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2008-2010

Project: Research project

Project Details




The investigators organize an annual conference on Frontiers

in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM) on the campus of

the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New

Jersey. The conferences include the significant participation of

undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and

junior faculty. The FACM conference series has been organized

over the past four years by the Department of Mathematical

Sciences and the Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics at

NJIT and is partially funded through an NJIT Strategic Initiative

Plan. The conference has become a leading forum for the

dissemination of research in applied and computational

mathematics and applied statistics. The three year conference

plan for 2008-2010 is as follows: FACM '08 is a large (250-300

participants) general meeting in applied mathematics, involving

in particular mathematical biology, fluid dynamics, wave

propagation, and applied probability and statistics. FACM '09

and '10 are smaller (125-150 participants) focused meetings on

mathematical biology and fluid dynamics, respectively, which are

areas of focus in the Department.

This conference series brings together mathematicians,

statisticians, physicists, engineers, and biologists to share

results of their research in applied and computational

mathematics and applied statistics. The broader impacts are that

significant cross-fertilization takes place during and after the

conferences between researchers in different disciplines who

utilize the methods of applied mathematics, statistics and

numerical computation. For students and postdocs, this is a

major learning experience that helps them with future

presentations and research. For many of these students, such a

local research conference is their first exposure to high quality

research being undertaken at other research institutions. This

exposure helps students strive to emulate the quality of these

research activities. Past FACM conferences have an excellent

record of participation of women and underrepresented minorities,

and special efforts are made to continue this trend.

Effective start/end date7/1/086/30/11


  • National Science Foundation: $90,150.00


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