Encouraging Data Sharing And Reuse In The Field Of Collective Behavior Through Hackathon-Style Collaborative Workshops

Project: Research project

Project Details


The investigators will bring together diverse researchers who work in the field of collective and emergent behavior. Collective and emergent behavior is the study of complex biological and social systems, ranging from bacterial colonies to human groups. The hackathon-style workshop draws researchers around identifying best practice mechanisms for sharing data, communicating methods of data analysis, and reusing Publicly available data. The investigators propose a series of two workshops where teams of 2-5 participants work on a specific project during the duration of the 3-day event. An objective of the workshop is to foster novel collaborations between researchers in biology, data science, mathematics, computer science and physics, all of whom have an interest in collective behavior.This award reflects National Science Foundation 's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Effective start/end date10/1/189/30/20


  • National Science Foundation


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