Project Details
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of the multiplex diagnostic assay and device using interdigitated nano-sensing technology for point-of-care diagnostics. The proposed initial application is the detection and monitoring of ovarian cancer. The early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult because the benign condition usually obfuscates its symptoms. Currently, there are approximately 250,000 women living with ovarian cancer in the U.S., and ovarian cancer has more than a 70% chance to recur. The proposed technology may provide early detection of the ovarian cancer and monitoring functions to improve the survival rate and save thousands of women lives. In addition, the proposed diagnostic platform may be expanded to detect many other diseases, such as other cancers, malaria, and Covid-19, at commercial diagnostic laboratories. It is envisioned that the proposed technology may be used in hospitals and medical centers as well as physician's offices, pharmacies, and drug stores, which may make it more accessible and may save more lives and improve the quality of patients’ lives and health care environment.This I-Corps project is based on the development of a multiplex diagnostic assay and device using interdigitated nano-sensing technology for point-of-care diagnostics. The proposed technology is designed to separate biomolecules spontaneously in the microchannel of the device and detect multiplex biomarkers with high accuracy. The proposed technology initially will be used to test for ovarian cancer, and works by quantifying the concentrations of various biomarkers for ovarian cancer at an extremely low limit of detection (pico-level). It is a standalone device that consists of two main components: a microfluidic channel that is capable to separate the blood plasma spontaneously in the capillary blood flow, and a biosensing platform integrated with microchannels that contain multiple nano-biosensors used to detect various antigens at pico-level concentrations in the separated plasma. The proposed technology may be used to accurately test the concentration of targeted biomarkers and assist in the early diagnosis of cancer as well evaluate the efficacy of the treatment during the monitoring process.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/23 → 3/31/25 |
- National Science Foundation: $50,000.00
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