Monolithic GaAs 8-12 Direct Multiple Quantum Well Injection Image Sensor

Project: Research project

Project Details


We purpose an NJIT-ETDL joint research project to study the design, fabrication, and characterization of monolithic GaAs 8-12 u direct multiple quantum well (MQW) injection image sensor ?1!. We purpose the GaAs/A1GaAs MQW infrared hot electron transistor (IHET, invented at ETDL) as the photodetector, and direct injection through an undoped GaAs layer as the mechanism for interfacing between 8-12 u IR photodetectors and current readout devices. The proposed image sensor or focal plane array (FPA) structure is optimized for 300 K thermal imaging performance, as well as for fabrication simplicity. Special attention is paid to readout charge handling and detector array fill factor, as well as the minimization of noise and cross talk.

Effective start/end date8/15/911/31/94


  • National Science Foundation: $89,814.00


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