Project Details
Abstract for NSF-REU Site: Engineered Nano-Composite Particulate Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Institution: Foundation @NJIT, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Principal Investigator: Rajesh N. Dave
This REU award for a Site on Engineered Nano-Composite Particulate Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications supports 10 undergraduate students each year for three years in a 10-week summer research experience at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). In addition to performing research mentored by faculty and graduate students, the participants will be involved in a number of workshops (including preparation for graduate studies), field trips, seminars, oral and poster presentations, and in mentoring K-12 students through NJITs pre-college programs.
The REU program offers research on unique topics dealing with synthesis, characterization, and applications of nano-particles as engineered composites, focusing on developing fundamental understanding of particle interactions and their influence on final product, which may be existing consumer products (e.g. sun screens) as well as novel materials (e.g. new cancer drugs or advanced energetic materials), impacting industries such as pharmaceuticals, defense, food, cosmetics, ceramics, electronics and specialty chemicals.
A large majority of the students will be recruited from outside NJIT, focusing on groups that are traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering, specifically women, African-American, Native American, and Hispanic students. The REU Site program will contribute to the development of a well-trained diverse workforce in this area of national importance and increase public awareness of nanotechnology. Participants will be involved in mentoring K-12 students through NJITs pre-college program. Due to their involvement in K-12 programs, the REU participants will become role models to K-12 students and assist schoolteachers in bringing knowledge of this exciting area of research to the classroom. Also, through activities that involve NJITs industrial partners, the program will also increase industrys awareness of the opportunities that exist for using nanoparticles and nanocomposite particles in unique applications.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/15/06 → 12/31/09 |
- National Science Foundation: $311,485.00