Project Details
This three-year renewal REU Site: Optics and Photonics: Technologies, Systems, and Devices is hosted by the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). The project focuses on engaging undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and from institutions with limited research opportunities in cutting edge research. Ten students each year will be recruited and selected for this program, engage in research projects, professional development, and explore STEM careers and graduate school preparation. Emerging research topics feature optics and photonics technologies, systems and devices (i.e., optical imaging, optical nano-fabrication, optical communications). The Site will address the growing national need to provide career opportunities for students in the areas of Optical, Photonic and Semiconductor Devices. Optical and photonic technologies, devices and systems enable modern communication systems, sensors, computing, healthcare systems, and environmental systems. By focusing on next generation optical and photonics technologies and systems, this program seeks to increase the number of students entering the workforce with skills in these areas. Optics and photonics play a significant role in the semiconductor devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors that are used as communication devices. CMOS imagers in digital cameras and laser diodes with critical applications are part of chip-shortage problems. Undergraduate students will engage in optics and photonics research, with faculty mentors and their research teams, during an intensive and unique 10-week summer program in three focus areas: 1) optical, photonic and semiconductor devices, (2) optical systems, and (3) optical communications and networking. Participants will focus on comprehensive readings and become familiar with specific equipment needed for their projects. The REU students' laboratory experiences will be enhanced by technical seminars and workshops on non-technical topics, such as presentation skills and ethics, and visits to sites such as the $20 Million Microfabrication Innovation Center for semiconductors and the NJIT Makerspace housing industrial grade tool and technologies where students can test ideas, visualize, create prototypes, and apply complex technologies, machines and materials used in manufacturing. Each student will prepare a final report and give a presentation on his or her project at the end of the program at NJIT's International Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 11/1/24 → 10/31/27 |
- National Science Foundation: $456,796.00
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