Self-Reinforced Composites as Advanced Materials for the 21ST Century

Project: Research project

Project Details




The projects described in this Minority Research Planning Grant will be conducted over an 18 month period. They are concerned principally with the effects of processing parameters on the microstructure development in polymer processing, in particular extrusion mixing and injection molding - leading to the formation of self-reinforcing micro-and nanocomposites. More specifically, experimental and numerical simulation methodologies will be developed to evaluate the interrelationships between the process parameter and morphology development during processing of blends of a liquid crystalline polymer and a flexible-coil thermoplastic, the latter serving as the matrix polymer. This blend is often referred to variously as 'in-situ composites', 'self-reinforcing composites', or ' molecular composites'.

These research results should provide the basis for development of a competitive research proposal. In addition, they will be closely integrated with educational activities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as with extensive mentoring and outreach.

Effective start/end date7/1/9912/31/00


  • National Science Foundation: $18,000.00


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