Project Details
This Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites project at the New Jersey Institute of Technology focuses on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapeutic Intervention. With increased diagnoses and a lack of affordable treatment, there is a need for seamless and inexpensive approaches to detect and treat various types of cancer. The development of sensitive and accurate methods for detecting cancer in the early stages is essential, as ninety percent of all cancer deaths are caused by metastasis of original tumors. Ten students each year will engage in research, education, and training activities. In particular, underrepresented minority groups such as African American, LatinX, women, students with disabilities, and first-generation college students will be heavily recruited. Students will use scientific methods to investigate real-world research problems. Participating students will strengthen their academic networks, increase their attractiveness for graduate research programs, and learn about and pursue future career opportunities in innovative cancer research.
This 3-year REU project at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) will engage 10 students per year in 10-week research experiences in Cancer Diagnosis and Theraputic Intervention. With increased diagnoses and a lack of affordable treatment, there is a need for seamless and inexpensive approaches to detect and treat various types of cancer. The development of sensitive and accurate methods for detecting cancer in the early stages is essential, as ninety percent of all cancer deaths are caused by metastasis of original tumors. Faculty mentors will introduce students to dynamic cancer-related research in physics, biochemistry, and chemical, electrical, and materials engineering. The program will lead to research and innovation by: 1) engaging undergraduate students to foster innovative research cancer diagnostics to therapeutic intervention, 2) cultivating multidisciplinary research among NJIT faculty, and expanding to collaborate with multiple universities using the undergraduate students as a bridge and 3) increasing the participation in research by underrepresented minority groups, resulting in participants being co-authors on publications and presenters at scientific conferences. The project framework supports participants in team learning around a meaningful project. Students participate in professional development activities beyond direct research, and build learning and professional relationships through layered mentoring in a world-renowned research environment.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 5/1/22 → 4/30/25 |
- National Science Foundation: $463,231.00