Effect of intense december 2006 solar radio bursts on GPS receivers

Alessandro P. Cerruti, Paul M. Kintner, Dale Gary, Anthony J. Mannucci, Robert F. Meyer, Patricia Doherty, Anthea J. Coster

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

81 Scopus citations


[1] Solar radio bursts during December 2006 were sufficiently intense to be measurable with GPS receivers. The strongest event occurred on 6 December 2006 and affected the operation of many GPS receivers. This event exceeded 1,000,000 solar flux unit and was about 10 times larger than any previously reported event. The strength of the event was especially surprising since the solar radio bursts occurred near solar minimum. The strongest periods of solar radio burst activity lasted a few minutes to a few tens of minutes and, in some cases, exhibited large intensity differences between L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2 (1227.60 MHz). Civilian dual frequency GPS receivers were the most severely affected, and these events suggest that continuous, precise positioning services should account for solar radio bursts in their operational plans. This investigation raises the possibility of even more intense solar radio bursts during the next solar maximum that will significantly impact the operation of GPS receivers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberS10D07
JournalSpace Weather
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2008

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Atmospheric Science


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