Experimental Demonstration of Dynamic Topological Pumping across Incommensurate Bilayered Acoustic Metamaterials

Wenting Cheng, Emil Prodan, Camelia Prodan

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73 Scopus citations


A Thouless pump can be regarded as a dynamical version of the integer quantum Hall effect. In a finite-size configuration, such a topological pump displays edge modes that emerge dynamically from one bulk band and dive into the opposite bulk band, an effect that can be reproduced with both quantum and classical systems. Here, we report the first unassisted dynamic energy transfer across a metamaterial, via pumping of such topological edge modes. The system is a topological aperiodic acoustic crystal, with a phason that can be fast and periodically driven in adiabatic cycles. When one edge of the metamaterial is excited in a topological forbidden range of frequencies, a microphone placed at the other edge starts to pick up a signal as soon as the pumping process is set in motion. In contrast, the microphone picks no signal when the forbidden range of frequencies is nontopological.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number224301
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - Nov 23 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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