Intrusion Detection and Ejection Framework Against Lethal Attacks in UAV-Aided Networks: A Bayesian Game-Theoretic Methodology

Hichem Sedjelmaci, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Nirwan Ansari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

135 Scopus citations


Advances in wireless communications and microelectronics have spearheaded the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which can be used to augment a ground network composed of sensors and/or vehicles in order to increase coverage, enhance the end-to-end delay, and improve data processing. While UAV-aided networks can potentially find applications in many areas, a number of issues, particularly security, have not been readily addressed. The intrusion detection system is the most commonly used technique to detect attackers. In this paper, we focus on addressing two main issues within the context of intrusion detection and attacker ejection in UAV-aided networks, namely, activation of the intrusion monitoring process and attacker ejection. In fact, when a large number of nodes activate their monitoring processes, the incurred overhead can be substantial and, as a consequence, degrades the network performance. Therefore, a tradeoff between the intrusion detection rate and overhead is considered in this work. It is not always the best strategy to eject a node immediately when it exhibits a bad sign of malicious activities since this sign could be provisional (the node may switch to a normal behavior in the future) or be simply due to noise or unreliable communications. Thus, a dilemma between detection and false positive rates is taken into account in this paper. We propose to address these two security issues by a Bayesian game model in order to accurately detect attacks (i.e., high detection and low false positive rates) with a low overhead. Simulation results have demonstrated that our proposed security game framework does achieve reliable detection.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number7549080
Pages (from-to)1143-1153
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2017

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Science Applications


  • Bayesian game
  • intrusion detection system (IDS)
  • intrusion ejection system (IES)
  • unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • vehicular networks


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