PAMPAS: Privacy-aware mobile participatory sensing using secure probes

Dai Hai Ton That, Iulian Sandu Popa, Karine Zeitouni, Cristian Borcea

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Scopus citations


Mobile participatory sensing could be used in many applications such as vehicular traffic monitoring, pollution tracking, or even health surveying. However, its success depends onfinding a solution for querying large numbers of users which protects user location privacy and works in real-time. This paper presents PAMPAS, a privacy-aware mobile distributed system for efficient data aggregation in mobile participatory sensing. In PAMPAS, mobile devices enhanced with secure hardware, called secure probes (SPs), perform distributed query processing, while preventing users from accessing other users' data. A supporting server infrastructure (SSI) coordinates the inter-SP communication and the computation tasks executed on SPs. PAMPAS ensures that SSI cannot link the location reported by SPs to the user identities even if SSI has additional background information. In addition to its novel system architecture, PAMPAS also proposes two new protocols for privacy-aware location based aggregation and adaptive spatial partitioning of SPs that work efficiently on resourceconstrained SPs. Our experimental results and security analysis demonstrate that these protocols are able to collect the data, aggregate them, and share statistics or derived models in real-time, without any location privacy leakage.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationScientific and Statistical Database Management
Subtitle of host publication28th International Conference, SSDBM 2016 - Proceedings
EditorsPeter Baumann, Ioana Manolescu-Goujot, Luca Trani, Yannis Ioannidis, Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi, Laszlo Dobos, Evelin Banyai
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
ISBN (Electronic)9781450342155
StatePublished - Jul 18 2016
Event28th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2016 - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: Jul 18 2016Jul 20 2016

Publication series

NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Other28th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Software
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Computer Networks and Communications


  • Location privacy
  • distributed architecture
  • mobile participatory sensing
  • secure protocol
  • spatial aggregates


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